You liaised with three different recruitment companies; read 30 CVs, carried out 15 telephone interviews and 10 face to face interviews over a two week period; wrote reports and recommendations until you were sick of doing it and eventually managed to get appointed the best Ops VP that you had ever met.
Now, one month into the job, she announces that it is not for her and she’s leaving.
All that time and effort only to find you have to start the process all over again!
If you have a significant role to fill – do you have to work night and day to get the right person? Do you spend serious money flying candidates to your location for interview? Where can you turn to make sure that you can make a decision based on reliable evidence that ensures you are selecting the right person who will stay and add sustainable value to the organization?
Our recommendation is an evidence based, objective, reliable view of an individual’s current capability. This can be gained through automated talent screening using PeopleFactors, an AI talent assessment platform. Enabling you to assess candidates at scale using robust and objective assessments, providing insightful analytics, ‘best fit’ matching, and enabling you to interview only the right candidates for the job.
You get reports which integrate personality characteristics, intellect and analytic capability, attitudes, values and learned behavioural styles, without you needing to decipher the results. Reports also suggest topics to explore at interview and can provide specific interview questions if you wish.
Completing the assessment on-line before going to the trouble and expense of interviews cuts down the number of potentially suitable candidates to a very short list for interview.
Book a demo to find out how the PeopleFactors talent assessment platform can take the hassle out of hiring decisions.
Just imagine – you might be able to go home at a reasonable time, catch up on all those projects that you haven’t had time to finish and sleep at night knowing that you have saved your organisation time, money and most importantly you’ve selected the best person for the right reasons!
Author, Dr Christine Jones MA, MBA, PhD Dip Psych
15th November 2018