In 1990 the first International Forum on Technology Management identified the demands that advancing technology and globalisation would make on the strategic leaders of business. We are now nearly 20 years on and how right they were!
The pace of change is unremitting and successful leaders of the future increasingly need to be flexible and far sighted to manage the growth and prosperity of their companies. Jobs, leadership style and culture need to be dynamic and changing to succeed in this environment.
So, whether hiring or developing talent in your organisation it is vital that you are clear what contributes to the success of your organisation now and tomorrow in this turbulent and demanding environment. It is also vital that you select people who can deal with the rapid rate of change.
The traditional approach to hiring is to develop a job description which leads to a personnel specification identifying the characteristics of the individual required to fill this specific role. This model has become less and less useful because the form and content of senior jobs is now far less predictable over months far less years. A more useful approach, developed by Adrian Atkinson, our Chairman, identifies individuals with different attitudes to business growth, change and risk.
The Expert Leader is likely to be successful in traditional organisations which do not anticipate much change and where the focus is on maintaining product and service excellence.
The Pliable Leader will change sequentially over time, focussing on keeping their organisations up to date with latest developments but subjecting them to careful analysis before deciding to follow a new direction.
The Adventurous Leader enjoys fast adaptation and can change their role and their approach with ease sometimes anticipating and embracing changes which are in advance of the current environment. These leaders thrive in go-ahead, technically sophisticated organisation.
So how can you identify the type of leader you need and the far sighted individuals who will consistently add value to your organisation?
hfi have been clarifying organisation success profiles and leadership requirements for over 35 years in the world’s top organisations and assessing candidates for the variety of roles required. The PeopleFactors platform enables you to assess, analyse and develop leadership potential mapped to your organisation needs at 7 levels of management and leadership from the technical professional to the enterprise leader. Our subscription model ensures a fixed and fair price giving you control coupled with excellent service and results.
By using the PeopleFactors system, you will reduce uncertainty by embedding in your organisation leaders who will take control of and exploit the turbulent environment.
Interested? Please ask for a demo on this link: Click Here
Published by Dr Christine Jones MA, MBA, PhD Dip Psych
22nd November 2018